1.65 (excl. VAT)

MINIMAL ORDER:     2 pieces
GRADE:          NEW

SKU: 221-A Categories: ,


Stable and very durable bowl that can be made many evolutions – swing, turn, turn and our baby’s food will still be inside.

The bowl is designed so that the inner bowl rotates 360 degrees so that the food always stays in place.

Children can eat their snacks anywhere, and parents will be delighted with the order in their apartment.

The set includes a lid.

Everything is dishwasher safe.

How it’s working?
The secret of the Gyro 360 Bowl lies in a special center of gravity. Like a globe, the spheres inside the bowl can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the part where the food is poured stays in place no matter what the “rotation” of the situation.

No matter what you do with the bowl, its contents will never end up on the floor. Kids love the way the Gyro Bowl rotates. A special lid, included in the set, allows you to keep your food tight for the next meal.

The contents left in the bowl can be covered with a tight lid and left until the next meal.

Children can eat their snacks anywhere, and parents do not have to worry about the order in their apartment.